Saturday, 24 October 2015

how to cope with bluescreen

Cara mengatasi laptop yang sering Blue Screen

my nature, but previously no one knows not what the "Blue Screen" or any other term "Blue Screen". Blue Screen itself is a popular term for Microsoft Windows screen displayed when experiencing a system error (or so-called stop error by Microsoft).
BSOD of Windows NT, 2000, XP, or Vista usually more serious than previous Windows. There are several things that led to the emergence of this BSOD.
Among the equipment that is not a good driver, memory errors, broken registry or use fileDLL unsuitable.

There are various forms BSOD on all Windows operating systems since Windows 3.1. BSOD is a replacement black screen of death (black screen of death) that appears on the OS / 2 and MS-DOS.Dalam early version of Windows Vista is also contained red screen of death or red screen of death, which is used at the boot loader errors.

Here's a trick '' to cope sob.
Looking for faults or damage to the BSOD error is quite troublesome, although we've been able to track approximately fault / damage-causing-BSOD blue screen appears on the monitor, dominated the Hardware Damage or Crash Driver of old and new.
Please pal download the video below as reference tambaha.

Looking for error based on the classification and Penyelsainannya

This error is most often arise in the event of Blue Screen. The error message is usually caused because there is a mismatch of drivers installed on the computer. The cause: - Drivers who clashed or unsuitable - Problems in Video Card, it includes a video card overclock beyond the limit or you have recently changed your video card and you have not uninstalled the old video card drivers from different chipset - Problems in Audio Card, covering configuration errors or bugs in the sound card drivers
NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM or FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0x00000024) or (0X00000023)
This error message at least has a little give an idea of where the damage is located, which is in a partition or filesystem but not in HD. We can check by examining the SATA or PATA cable or can check the partition with chkdsk tool.
When you get an error message like this can be caused by: - Excessive Hardware Overclock - Computer components are too hot - a corrupt BIOS - Memory and CPU defective
This error message is caused because of the possibility that the memory or the memory slot on the motherboard is damaged.
This error message is caused due to hardware malfunction, including main memory, video card memory, or memory in the processor (L2 Cache)
This error message is caused due to an error in the configuration jumper wrong disk, boot sector viruses, the IDE controller driver that is wrong, or the chipset driver error.
This error message is caused due to an error occurred in the video card driver installation is less than perfect, restarted during installation or can also occur because of errors in the installation of the driver.
This error message is caused due to an error can occur because of errors or incompatible drivers. It often happens when installing XP from an upgrade to, or instead of a new installation.
This error message is caused due to damage of RAM
This error message is caused by defects in the CPU, or that the overclock aggressively, as well as power supply shortages or damaged.
The existence of problems in SCSIPORT drivers that do not use map buffers when the transfer I / O.
This error is caused by an application tries to divide by zero (devide BY ZERO). If you receive this error and do not know which application caused it, you can try to check a memory dump.

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